5 New Year’s Resolutions from NYC Dietitians


Don’t groan.

It’s January, and everybody is scrambling to make changes. And, let’s be honest. Most resolutions simply don’t stick. Baylor College of Medicine reported that approximately 88% of New Year’s Resolutions go by the wayside within the first two weeks.

Oh boy. So, how will this list be any different? Especially one coming from a group of dietitian nutritionists? You’re probably imagining cardboard-flavored foods and feeling hungry. We came up with this list because we want you, and all of our patients, to feel great, have a healthy relationship with their food and bodies, and enjoy eating!


5 New Year’s Resolutions You Can Keep


Resolve to be kind to yourself:

Treat yourself and your body like a friend. Practice self-compassion. Allow yourself grace on tough days without judgment. Shift focus to function over appearance. Get support. Join an online support group, educate yourself about body diversity and HAES® Consider nutrition therapy to address deeper body image struggles, disordered eating, or eating disorders.


Resolve to drink more water:

Hydration (and not sweet, sticky drinks) is a key to health. It helps with brain function, digestion, energy, weight loss and maintenance, joint health, kidney stone prevention, temperature regulation, and fewer headaches. Water is a pretty big deal! Research shows that most Americans are chronically dehydrated. Set a water timer (reminders to drink). Get one of those water bottles that mark how much you’re drinking. Keep a pitcher of water in the fridge with lemon slices, strawberries, mint leaves, and more.

Resolve to Keep it Simple:

So many people feel overwhelmed with meal prep and organization. Keep it simple. Buy into the Freezer Bag Meal Frenzy (we love it!). Become a master of the crockpot. Go for those freezer veggies and fruits (they’re just as healthy). Plan ahead and save money with these meal prep hacks. Sit down and enjoy your meal, whether that means a plate of fruits, cubed cheeses, hummus, and veggies or a home-cooked lasagna with all the bells and whistles!


Resolve to Add More Color to Your Life (and Plate):

A somewhat simple rule of adding more fruits, vegetables, and nutrient-rich foods to your diet is with color! Oranges, purples, reds, greens, and yellows come in all sorts of wonderful flavors (sweet potatoes, eggplant, peppers, kale, and squash). The more color, the better, and it’s a fun, pretty way to eat. Find creative ways to bump up your veggie and fruit consumption and feel better.


Resolve to Enjoy Your Meals

Channel Julia Child and enjoy your food. Whether you’re sitting down to a family meal, or are picnicking in the park on your own, resolve to nourish yourself, not only with the food you’re eating but with the way you’re eating. Practice mindful and intuitive eating. Practice gratitude for the food on your plate and how it nourishes you, allowing you to do the things you do each day.

It’s 2025! We, at NYC Nutritionist, hope that this year is filled with health, joy, and wellness for you and your family.

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